iOS Development

Developing iOS Apps for Kids

I do stumble now and then across (more or less great) apps for smaller children, kids or toddlers. You have probably seen these as well. I never released any app for the kids category but I was curious how it … Read the rest

iOS Development

SwiftUI and “The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time … “

Although SwiftUI did become more and more mature over the years: When it comes to error handling, SwiftUI still sometimes feels like a pain. You probably have seen the following error more than once: It reads “The compiler is Read the rest

iOS Development

Draw line graphs and charts in SwiftUI

Graphs and charts are an essential tool for visualizing data, and with SwiftUI, it’s easy to create custom and interactive graphs (Spoiler: we won’t add any interactivity during this arcticle). You can use them in iOS, iPadOS, and macOS … Read the rest

ChatGPT iOS Development

Using ChatGPT for Swift iOS development

Lately, I also jumped onto the ChatGPT train and wanted to give it a try for the use in Swift development for the iOS platform. Here are my experiences so far using it for around 1 or two months now.… Read the rest

Accessibility iOS Development

(Mobile) Accessibility Links

This is a frequently updated list of links regarding accessibility I found worth saving. It’s currently focused on mobile (especially iOS development) as this is my main area right now.

Last update: 5th July 2023

Guidelines & Standards

This section … Read the rest

iOS Development

Animate UIBezierPath using CABasicAnimation

Currently, I am working on an app that features a table view with custom cells representing single items or grouped items. You can expand the group cells (to see their content) by selecting them. There are multiple ways to … Read the rest

iOS Development

How to use the RelativeDateTimeFormatter in Swift

Working with dates in Swift is a thing I remembered to struggle for a long time as a Junior developer. However, you should get used to objects that have date properties. E.g. you can sort stuff (e.g. see … Read the rest

iOS Development

How to sort an array of objects by date property

You might know the very handy sort(by:) method in Swift that you can use to sort any kind of array. If not, see this as some kind of friendly introduction to you. Read carefully and I will teach you now … Read the rest

iOS Development

How to get your first ever app approved in Apple’s App Store

While publishing FlippyApp ( to the App Store ( I learnt a lot about how to deal with the intransparent review process of the Apple App Store.

The two most important:

  • The review process is very
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iOS Development

Fix crashing when opening projects in XCode 11.3

Today I had some problems with a project that I wanted to continue working on today. Yesterday everything went fine but today XCode crashed everytime I tried to open it 🙈

Luckily there is a fix, that I found in … Read the rest