iOS Development

How to get your first ever app approved in Apple’s App Store

While publishing FlippyApp ( to the App Store ( I learnt a lot about how to deal with the intransparent review process of the Apple App Store.

The two most important:

  • The review process is very intransparent.
    Quick Help: If you get any incomprehensible rejection messages, google them. Probably a lot of people got the same message.

  • Although it feels like talking to a wall sometimes when answering rejection messages, be honest and give as much information as possible.
    Quick Help: If they accuse you of anything, take that accusation, think about it and answer it with honesty.

The first version of my app was rejected with a default text message. A quick google search showed me that a lot of people got (maybe still get) this exact message when submitting apps for the first time. Apple accused me of violating the App Store Review Guidelines. They also attached a bullet point list of possible violations.

Actually, I did not violate any of the given points and I answered that. This did not help anything it resulted in just another default answer which now said my whole account was under investigation ?! They also added I should not write any further mails and wait for there review or any instructions. So I did.

Half year later: Still no answer.

So I decided to write them another mail, although they explicitly asked me to wait. I took every bullet point and gave a detailled answer why I did not violate this certain point. One day later, everything was fine and my app was approved.

Although I am very happy that my App is finally in the Apple App Store, I do not like how intransparent the whole review process is. It’s fine with me that they made me think about every possible violation but then they should not ask me to wait and do not react to the accusations.

Every update after that was reviewed and accepted pretty quickly. So I think this step of the review process is maybe just a filter that should prevent spammers or people who do not interact with the reviewers.


Featured Image by riyan hidayat on Pixabay

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